Body shaming

 The list of where we fail and what we feel ashamed of is almost endless. Joking and making critical, potentially humiliating comments about a person’s body size or weight is body shaming. Body shaming is ubiquitous, part of our routines and everyday experience. Negative comments about appearance are constant. Body shaming happens with everybody, at least at some point of their life. OMG don't you think you have put on a little weight? Do some exercise… eat this, you look ugly, OMG he is so skinny, how does he even walk. We have all heard and sometimes even used statements like this without realising that, our words are powerful and it can hurt people, maybe the girl you're calling fat is starving herself, she is crying all night thinking about what you said, stress eating that nothing is gonna work on her, no one is going to like her, marry her, she is just a joke for everybody. The boy you call too skinny is maybe beating himself up in the gym to put on a little weight, just so he could live peacefully!! But no even after putting on a little weight, people will find another fault in him so that they could have something to laugh about. I myself experience body shaming everyday, whenever a socially active aunty comes and sees me the first thing she comments about is my weight, I know I am overweight, I know that, I need to do something about it because it's not good for my health but like every other respectful human being I don't want to feel humiliated in front of everybody just because, I don’t have an ideal body so does every-other overweight and underweight person.. From my perspective A man when he chooses a girl for marriage he  should not say “you're the most beautiful girl, I have ever seen” it shows materialism. He should say “you're the most kindhearted and smart girl I have ever seen” I don't want to make you my life partner because your pretty, beauty will fade with time but kind heart will stay alive even after death”. Look at her deen, look at her heart, look at the way she treats her parents, same goes for girls don't look at his body, his wealth, rather look at his deen, his heart, the way he respects you, the way he respects his parents. Every soul is beautiful and precious, every soul is worthy of dignity and respect, and deserving of peace, joy and love. People think body shaming can make the victims work for him/herself but No it doesn't. It breaks them, it demotivated them, it tells them that you're good for nothing. Realization is important, make them realise with love, don't humiliate them.  Love the body you have, love yourself, respect yourself, and if you feel like you need to change, work hard to achieve your goal, DON’T WORK ON YOUR BODY BEAUSE YOU HATE IT FOR WHATEVER REASON, WORK ON IT BECAUSE YOU LOVE IT. 
In this social media driven age, where we are all about being liked, being accepted, admired by as many people as we can reach; where your online popularity is the standard, where its more desirable to be what others would like rather than accepting your own individuality, your own uniqueness and being yourself.
For the people Who are involved in body shaming to them, I just want to say chose your words wisely because HE is watching, without you knowing and HE is counting every tear that is shedding because of you. Peace. 


  1. People dont realize that slim people also get bodyshamed t...well that is also a shame

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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