Why should we take corona virus seriously?
(2 mins read)

How COVID-19 spreads
1. Person to person spread: This
virus usually spreads person to person. It is spread between people who are in
close contact with one another. It is spread through respiratory droplets
produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
2. Spread from contact with contaminated
surfaces or objects: It may be possible that a person can get
COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then
touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought
to be the main way the virus spreads. A lot of people got infected by the virus
by touching the money and ATM buttons.
Situation of our country:
We know that how contagious the
virus is so if we are still not taking it seriously than things can get out of
control. They are going to get worst. In our country the medical centers can’t
handle the burden of this pandemic. As there are very limited resources all
around the country and our country has around 2000 ventilators which is very
alarming. The government must take steps and go towards a proper lock-down of
the country if they want to contain the virus. The educational institutes are
closed since last week and our people think that they have some kind of
vacations, they’re planning trips, arranging social gatherings, throwing
parties which is very wrong. The work of daily wage workers is under great threat
and they’re going to be jobless due to this pandemic. The people of Pakistan
must unite and tackle this virus seriously because the way it’s spreading in
next few days things might get more worse. The government should take necessary
steps but people should stand up with government. They must be on the same page
or else we may face some serious consequences.
Necessary Precautions:
The job of the people is to take
proper precautions and they must quarantine themselves insides their
homes. Only if it’s very urgent then
they must leave their homes and when they’re leaving, they must wear masks and
take sanitizer with them. They should avoid close contact with the other
people. They must practice social distancing. People must wash their hands
often for almost 20 seconds and especially after they have been to the public
place, or after blowing their nose or sneezing. Avoid touching your eyes, nose
and mouth with unwashed hands. They must avoid the people who are sick. If
you’re sick then isolate yourself don’t come close to the people. They must
clean and disinfect the frequently touched places daily. If surfaces are dirty
clean them first then use them.
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