
Showing posts from March, 2020

Corona Virus and Islam, COVID-19

(2 min read) The recent wave of Corona virus has been received in a very mixed way by the masses of Pakistan. Some were very cautious of the pandemic and isolated themselves but majority of the people are still seen roaming around in the streets and markets. A barber at a hairdressing facility in Multan mentioned " Sir ye kia hona hai virus se bhala bass imaan kamzor hain logon k " (This virus isn't going to hurt anyways, we just lack faith in Almighty). In the neighborhood, a mosque was getting empty because of the corona-virus fear and the Congregation preachers (تبلیغی جماعت)  started going door to door to invite people for a congregation convincing them that it should not be fear. A fifteen years old boy playing cricket on the street, when told to isolate and not to move around in the streets, mentioned: it's just a propaganda they (the western lobby) wants to isolate us and they tell us not to shake hands even, how can we promote love and peace then? Well ...

Social distancing doesn't mean the end of your social life

(2 min read)          Tips for self quarantine Due to corona virus outbreak people are staying at home, isolating themselves or are in quarantine. Experts say that the policy is about physical distancing, not emotional distancing, so you can stay connected even if you're self isolating yourself. This is 21 st century a world full of technological advancements. Isolation can make us feel depressed, create anxiety, it can also increase the risk of health problems such as heart disease, and make stress and uncertainty harder to handle ( source: Antioxidants and redox signaling ) as corona-virus makes the isolation already faced by elderly much worse, in our society most of the elders do not understand technology that much as the younger people, making isolation harder for themselves, so here are some tips to stay connected: ·        Support the elderly: Many places are organizing ways to get involved (Source:   C...

What is a Pandemic? And Pandemics in the history …. what has China done to control COVID-19?

(2 min read) A Pandemic is the widespread of infectious disease to a large number of people in a given population within a short period of time. People think that epidemic and pandemic is the same thing but there is a slight difference, epidemic is within a certain population but pandemic is a disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide. COVID-19 was an epidemic but now it is a pandemic disease. The history of pandemics that have rocked the world over the last century from Spanish flu to corona-virus commonly called as COVID-19. 1918 just as world war 1 was coming to an end the world was hit by a devastating outbreak of flu, it was caused by a virus thought to have come from birds (source: US centers for disease control and prevention ) it infected 500 million people, about a third of the world’s population, and 50 million died in three waves of infection including a large number of healthy people from the age of 20 a...

Why should we take corona virus seriously?

(2 mins read) This year the corona virus started to spread in china. The origins of the virus come from the city of china called Wuhan. In the start people were not taking in seriously and it started of affect people in an exponential rate.   There are now almost 314,097 cases of corona all around the world. It caused around 13,566 deaths till now and only 95,874 people have recovered from the virus. If we see the growth of the spread it’s increasing day by day. More and more people are getting infected from the virus. China had the most cases in the start but now the rate by which Italy is getting infected is getting higher. China, Italy and Iran have the greatest number of cases. A week ago, Pakistan had 25 or 26 cases and now number of people infected by corona-virus are 645. We can see the way virus is spreading around the country. How COVID-19 spreads 1.       Person to person spread: This virus usually spreads person to person. It is sp...