Corona Virus and Islam, COVID-19

(2 min read) The recent wave of Corona virus has been received in a very mixed way by the masses of Pakistan. Some were very cautious of the pandemic and isolated themselves but majority of the people are still seen roaming around in the streets and markets. A barber at a hairdressing facility in Multan mentioned " Sir ye kia hona hai virus se bhala bass imaan kamzor hain logon k " (This virus isn't going to hurt anyways, we just lack faith in Almighty). In the neighborhood, a mosque was getting empty because of the corona-virus fear and the Congregation preachers (تبلیغی جماعت) started going door to door to invite people for a congregation convincing them that it should not be fear. A fifteen years old boy playing cricket on the street, when told to isolate and not to move around in the streets, mentioned: it's just a propaganda they (the western lobby) wants to isolate us and they tell us not to shake hands even, how can we promote love and peace then? Well ...